Lots of these delightful creatures on the lettuce. Started pulling them off -major yucky - then a friend of my son came up and got them drunk on beer. He cut bottoms off small plastic bottles to make shallow (about 3/4") dishes that were placed around the garden and filled with beer. Every one of those is now full of dead slugs, at least 6 in each. Time to clean out and refill.
Dreadful waste of beer. Hope they like Coors Light and don't get into my Boddington!
If you're concerned about wasting beer, consider that what they love is the sugar/yeast combo! You can make your own "beer" for traps, probably just as effective, with instant (dry, Fleishman's) yeast, a bit of sugar and water. I forget the exact ratio I used in past years. This year, my slugs are too busy on my hostas to care about the lettuce!