Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sun, Sun Mr. Golden Sun

This is more like it. A whole 2 weeks of sun with just an occasional shower.

I've had 2 green peppers - and very nice they were. A couple of these no-yet-ready hot ones made there way into a chicken curry. Wicked.

A second crop of leaf lettuce.

Mountain Orach and Arrowhead lettuce have done well in the cool wet weather and provided a continuous crop.

Maybe a squash later....

And glorious tomatoes. One or two coming in each day. Nothing taste like a fresh heritage tomato straight from the vine. Ah! worth it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Surprise - More Rain and local Tornado

Just in case I might need to fill the container I made up this device. The top end is an $11 hose attachment with the watering rose cut off. Some scrap 1/2" pipe was held in place with caulking.

Torrential rains and a tornado nearby.....

We had the wettest August since 1963 with twice the usual rainfall.

What more to say.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rain Rain Rain and more RAIN

July and most of August were awful. Rain 3 days in 4 and only the odd sunny period. The whole garden went into a form of suspended animation. Tomatoes stayed green and small FOR THE WHOLE 6 WEEKS!!!

Anyway I did get some produce. Here we have rhubarb, zuccini, zucchini flowers, parsley, thyme and broccoli Rab. Thank's Jamie for the Carbonara recipe. All very good, just low yield. Also, a couple of meals of beans.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I gave up on the squash and zuccini in Rosebery and Liverpool. Very poor specimens with no hope of a crop. I'm shure this was back to the soil problem. I know the containers that did poorly so lots of compost next spring.

Took out a few inches of soil at the top and added new triple mix and compost and replanted with Bulls Blood Beet and White Icicle Radish. More desperation than anything.

Last week I tried some Borage leaf. First time tasted. Last time tasted. A bit like old fish. I had planted a second container so dug it up and put in lettuce. I'll keep the one going as it is very healthy and they say the flowers are pretty.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pictures, Pictures....

Came back after four sunny days in the city. Took some quick pictures before it started to pour with rain!

Aphid Update

Five days after spraying with the tomato leaf infusion and the aphids are still there. However, they have not moved and I suspect dead. No ants visible.

I'm using and old window cleaner bottle which does not have enough strength to wash the aphids off. Tried to buy a better one on the way up but no luck.

Only the leaf lettuce affected and it is a very healthy plant so I think the problem is under control.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sun Forecast

We are looking foreword to a few days of sun so here is a picture of the garden. Looking good!!!!

Potatoes and rhubarb to the right, beans and zucchini on the left and tomatoes behind.