Sunday, May 24, 2009

Label It

My daughter just brought over this gift. Some of the container labels were already rubbing off and this should help.

Grow, Grow and Grow....

See the progress. Plants will stay in the screened porch for a couple of weeks to as we will be in the city and won't have time to set up the electric fence operation.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Finished the Enclosure

Despite blackflies and mosquitoes I managed to complete the enclosure. All I need to do is hook up the electric unit and get some warning signs (I think they are needed by law)

In the center is a re-purposed lower unit from a composting toilet. This has a nice drum turned with a handle and will do splendid service reducing our kitchen and garden waste to compost. The two large containers have potatoes and rhubarb. The potato is 1/2 full and soil is added as the plants grow to increase the yield - at least, that's what I was told...

Here is a closer view of the "gate"

Monday, May 18, 2009

More Planting

Today is a public holiday so we had time for more planting.

Here are some of the containers in the porch waiting for the enclosure to be completed.

The rhubarb and 4 Brussels sprouts were bought at the local nursery! I know it`s cheating but both are favourites.

Yes, I did have time for some work on the enclosure. You can see the half inch mesh to stop things getting under the fence. Also the 2 X 2 that will be the gate post. It stays in place because of the top wire which does not show in the photo.

Building the Containers

Here are some of the 42 containers. These are food grade and came free from a soft drinks manufacturer.

I thought you would like to see some of the labels showing what goes into this stuff! Needless to say we soaked them in water, cut the bottoms off, and pressure washed.

The conainers are about 20" high and 11" across with a quite large hole. We cut short pieces of wood to hold the wicking fabric above the hole. Also drilled a number of drainage holes in parts of the top that will be below the opening.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Black Flies, Black Flies go away and don't come another day...

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Rain, Rain go away and come another day.....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Early Progress

Ah! Things are coming up nicely after only one week. Moved them to a different window to get more light.

We still have a chance of frost so they will stay inside (unheated during the week) for another week or two.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Starting the Fence

The area is about 10' by 12' bounded by 6' poles guyed to rocks or trees. The lower boards were retrieved from al old deck and will be covered in 1/2" galvanised mesh to keep small critters out.

Anchors into the trees are stainless and only in about half way. The tree will not grow around them and they can come out later.