Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear Deer

Bought the fencing. Electric unit was $139! More than I had expected but the location is not suitable for the plug-in unit that was only $39. Fortunately I have an old, but still serviceable deep discharge battery. Remaning wire and screening brought the total cost to just under $200 including tax. I'm going to charge the project $50 per year for the next 4 years.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Laying Out the Plot

This is where the vegetables will be grown. We are looking East so there will be some shade but it will have to do.

Some of the cut brush on the left will support the electric fence. Don't know if it will work but got the idea from The Get Bear Smart Society . This will be our most expensive outlay!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Planting

This is our first weekend since the ice melted last Tuesday so no planting outdoors yet!

My daughter brought up some mineral water bottles repatriated from her neighbours recycle bin. These were soon turned into self-watering containers. For now they are in a window but once we are past frosts they will be moved to a screened porch.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cottage Vegetable Garden

Well, not wanting my children to have all the fun I'm starting a vegetable garden at the family cottage. See what my daughter and son are doing to understand where my inspiration comes from!

This is going to be a challange. Why? Well, we are in Southern Ontario in the Canadian Shield. That means lots of rock and not much soil along with a short summer season. A day's walk from here and you will be half way to the North Pole. We also have to contend with raccoons, squirrels, mice, deer and moose (yes, I know the books say deer and moose don't coexist but I have seen both.) Oh! I did not mention the black bears, rattlesnakes and the turtle that came up from the lake last spring to lay her eggs.